It is with great pleasure that we announce the elevation of India-Greece bilateral relations to a ‘Strategic Partnership.’ Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis recently held productive discussions in Athens, where they explored various opportunities for collaboration and cooperation.

This blog post aims to highlight the key areas of discussion and the shared vision for strengthening our ties to benefit the people of both countries.

Deepening Trade Ties

The leaders of India and Greece recognize the immense potential for enhancing our trade relations. In this regard, they have agreed to work towards increasing bilateral trade and investments. By leveraging our respective strengths and resources, we can create mutually beneficial economic opportunities for our businesses and entrepreneurs.

India’s expertise in areas such as information technology, pharmaceuticals, and textiles can complement Greece’s strengths in sectors like tourism, shipping, and agriculture. This collaboration can result in a win-win situation, boosting economic growth and job creation in both countries.

Exploring New Areas of Cooperation

During the discussions, the leaders also identified several sectors where India and Greece can collaborate effectively. These include defence and security, infrastructure development, agriculture, and skills development.

In the field of defence and security, both countries can benefit from sharing best practices, exchanging expertise, and exploring opportunities for joint research and development. Collaboration in infrastructure development can lead to the creation of world-class facilities and the upgrading of existing infrastructure, benefiting both nations.

India, with its vast agricultural expertise, can support Greece in modernizing its agricultural practices, increasing productivity, and improving food security. Additionally, cooperation in the field of skills development can facilitate the exchange of knowledge and promote learning opportunities for the youth of both countries.

Migration and Mobility Partnership

In recognition of the shared challenges and opportunities in the area of migration, India and Greece have agreed to work on a migration and mobility partnership agreement. This agreement will aim to address migration-related issues, while also promoting safe and legal migration pathways.

By collaborating on migration matters, both countries can ensure the well-being of migrants, protect their rights, and enhance the management of migration flows. This partnership will also provide a platform for sharing experiences and best practices in migration management.

Deepening Ties in Education

Another area of focus during the discussions was the strengthening of ties between the educational institutions of India and Greece. Both countries recognize the importance of education in fostering cultural understanding, promoting innovation, and building a skilled workforce.

Through collaborations between universities, research institutions, and student exchanges, India and Greece can promote academic excellence and cultural exchange. Such partnerships will not only benefit students but also contribute to the overall growth and development of both nations.


The discussions between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis have paved the way for a new era of cooperation between India and Greece. By elevating our bilateral relations to a ‘Strategic Partnership’ and exploring new avenues of collaboration, we are poised to create a brighter future for our people.

India and Greece share a rich history and a common vision for peace, progress, and prosperity. As we move forward, let us seize the opportunities that lie ahead, deepen our ties, and work together to build a better world.

By Editor

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