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Raksha Bandhan 2023: A Festival of Love and Tradition

Raksha Bandhan, also known as the festival of siblings, holds a special place in our hearts. It is a time to celebrate the eternal bond of love and protection between brothers and sisters. This year, Raksha Bandhan will be celebrated for two days on 30th and 31st August, adding an extra dose of excitement to the festivities.

Auspicious Timing: The Essence of Raksha Bandhan

According to the Hindu calendar, Raksha Bandhan is celebrated on the full moon day of the Shukla Paksha in the month of Shravan. However, there is a significant aspect to consider – the auspicious time known as Bhadra. Bhadra is considered inauspicious in the scriptures and Muhurta Shastra. It is believed to bring obstacles and challenges during important rituals and celebrations.

This year, the full moon date coincides with the Bhadra period, creating a difference of opinion regarding the celebration date. While some astrologers suggest celebrating Raksha Bandhan on 30th August, others believe it should be observed on 31st August. The dilemma arises as Bhadra will persist throughout the day on 30th August, ending after 9:01 pm. On the other hand, 31st August offers a window of opportunity to tie the sacred Rakhi before 7:07 am.

Understanding Bhadra: The Mythological Significance

According to mythology, Bhadra is the daughter of the Sun God and the sister of Shani Dev. Bhadra possesses a grumpy nature and is said to cause disturbances wherever she goes. It is believed that auspicious and important rituals should not be performed during the Bhadra period.

Notably, Bhadra’s influence varies depending on the zodiac sign of the moon. When the moon resides in Cancer, Leo, Aquarius, or Pisces, Bhadra’s negative impact affects humans. Similar trends occur when the moon is in Aries, Taurus, Gemini, or Scorpio – Bhadra disrupts the work of the gods. And when the moon resides in Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, or Capricorn, Bhadra is believed to reside in Patal Lok.

Celebrating Raksha Bandhan: The Auspicious Time

While tying Rakhi during Bhadra is considered inauspicious, it is crucial to find the right time for this sacred ritual. On 30th August, Bhadra will be present throughout the day, making it unsuitable for Raksha Bandhan celebrations. However, after 9:03 pm, the Bhadra period will end, allowing the festivities to commence.

On the other hand, 31st August provides an opportunity to celebrate Raksha Bandhan before 7:00 am, as the full moon date of the Shukla Paksha of Shravan will extend until this time. The morning hours present a perfect, auspicious window to tie the Rakhi and express love, protection, and heartfelt emotions between siblings.

Celebrate Raksha Bandhan with Love and Tradition

Regardless of the chosen date, the essence of Raksha Bandhan lies in the celebration of love and tradition. It is a day to cherish the eternal bond between brothers and sisters, filled with promises of protection and support. Plan your festivities accordingly, and let the spirit of Raksha Bandhan bring joy, happiness, and togetherness to your lives.

Rakshabandhan 2023

Date, Bhadrakal and auspicious time

Shravan Purnima date begins – August 30 at 10.58 am
Shravan Purnima date ends – August 31 at 07:07 am

Bhadrakal – Beginning of Bhadra with the beginning of full moon date
End of Bhadrakal – 30th August at 9.01 pm

Bhadra Mukha – August 30 from 06:31 pm to 08:11 pm
Bhadra Poonch – August 30 from 05:30 to 06:31 in the evening

Auspicious time to tie Rakhi (August 30) – after 09.03 pm
Auspicious time to tie Rakhi (August 31) – 07:07 am in the morning

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